Why Türkiye Scholarships?

Why Türkiye Scholarships?


A comprehensive and unique scholarship program

Apart from providing education opportunities at an international caliber as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience, Turkey offers scholarships to international students from all over the world to study in the most prestigious universities in Turkey.

Turkey opens the doors of its universities for international students from all around the world with “Türkiye Scholarships”. The scholarship program provides its recipients with vast opportunities and education in the most prestigious Turkish universities, helping students gain new perspectives and have a unique educational experience during their study in Turkey.  

Türkiye Scholarships is a government-funded, competitive scholarship program, awarded to outstanding students to pursue full-time or short-term program at the top universities in Turkey.

Türkiye Scholarships aims to build a network of future leaders committed to strengthening cooperation among countries and mutual understanding among societies.


What Makes Türkiye Scholarships Unique?


What makes Türkiye Scholarships unique is that it’s not only inclusive of financial support but also provides university placement to its awardees at all levels of higher education.

The scholarship program offers programs at the 50 top and most prestigious universities in Turkey, and provides a compulsory one-year Turkish Language Course which ensures that all students acclimatize and adapt to the social and cultural environment they live in.

Türkiye Scholarships also provides assistance in all the necessary services and procedures for an international student to feel at home in Turkey. These include, providing a dormitory, health insurance, student bank account, and a student residence permit, as well as a one-year language course.


Find out what the scholarship covers...

Apart from the basic services and assistance mentioned above, Türkiye Scholarships also offers social, cultural and academic guidance in the form of congresses, programs, seminars, international student academies, culture day gatherings, sports and arts related programs as well as training, internship opportunities, and career orientation programs.

More information on programs carried out for our current students...


After Graduation

Being an Alumni of Turkey – a huge global network of more than 150.000 graduates of Turkey


Although we say goodbye to international students who leave Turkey after their graduation ceremony every year, Türkiye Scholarships program does not really bid farewell to them. Taking pride in having contributed to the accomplishments achieved by international students throughout their lives, Türkiye Scholarships program keeps in touch with students after graduation.

For this purpose, an Internet-based portal has been established that serves as a meeting platform, and Türkiye Scholarships program always looks forward to receiving news from its alumni. Many Alumni Associations have been established voluntarily by graduates from various countries, facilitating the communication of Turkey graduates both with Turkey and with each other in an institutionalized manner. Through Alumni Associations in many countries across the world, graduates of the program both pursue their academic and social relations, and inform other young people in their countries of education opportunities offered by Turkey. 

Today, Turkey Alumni Network comprises of a constantly growing network of more 150,000 members, all of whom received education in Turkey, dating back to the 1950s, and who are employed in respected professions in 160 countries around the world. Turkey Alumni Network has made a name for itself due to the contributions of its members to strengthening friendly relations between Turkey and their respective countries. 

Find out more about Turkey Alumni: www.turkiyemezunlari.gov.tr