To The Attention of Türkiye Scholarships Holder Students From Afghanistan
Due to the latest developments, flights from Afghanistan to Turkey are suspended and certain official procedures required cannot be fulfilled as well. In this context, as Türkiye Scholarships, we would like to inform our students from Afghanistan, about the following issues.
- Current Türkiye Scholarships holder students
Türkiye Scholarships holder students who were awarded scholarship prior to 2021 and are currently in Afghanistan are recommended to wait until the start of their education at the universities they are registered to, and if they cannot come to Turkey despite the start of education, they are kindly advised to apply to their universities and freeze their course registration. After their course registration is frozen, students should inform YTB about freezing via Türkiye Bursları Bilgi Sistemi (TBBS). If the registration is frozen, the period frozen will not be counted from the scholarship duration of the students.
Students who were awarded scholarship in 2021
Due to the suspension of international flights from Afghanistan and problems in certain official transactions, our students, who were awarded scholarship in 2021, cannot be transferred to Turkey at this stage. If any opportunity in this regard emerges in the coming weeks, our students will be brought to Turkey with their flight tickets covered by Türkiye Scholarships. If such an opportunity is not available, online or on-site Turkish language education programs will be planned. Rights of our students who cannot come to Turkey or cannot start their Turkish language education will be reserved for one year. In this process, for the students who come to Turkey with their own means, transportation expenses will be compensated within the framework of the previously determined standards. Scholarship of the students who come to Turkey will be started following their arrival to Turkey and registration in universities.
Students are kindly requested to follow regularly the announcements and notifications made by YTB. Students will be able to contact YTB directly via
the Call Center and e-mail address.
We hope that these problems will come to an end and wish to see our students in Turkey and in the universities where they are/will be studying as soon as possible.
Kind regards,