November 2020


Applications for Success Scholarships A specific number of international students will be granted Success Scholarships provided that they receive...

October 2020

Announcement on 2020 Türkiye Scholarships Application R...

Dear Türkiye Scholarships Candidates, The evaluation process of Türkiye Scholarships has now been completed for candidates from Afghanistan, A...

September 2020

Announcement on 2020 Türkiye Scholarships Application R...

Dear Türkiye Scholarships Candidates, The evaluation process of approximately 156,000 applications received from 172 countries for Türkiye Schola...

September 2020

Regarding Student Residence Permit of Türkiye Scholarsh...

Değerli Öğrencilerimiz,    Bildiğiniz gibi, ülkemizde öğrenim gören uluslararası öğrencilerin ikamet izin işlemleri, “6458 sayılı Ya...

September 2020

Announcement Regarding the Fall Semester of the 2020-20...

Değerli öğrencilerimiz, Hepimizin bildiği üzere, Covid-19 salgını ile mücadele, dünya ülkelerinin en önemli gündem maddesini oluşturmakta ve&nbsp...

August 2020


  Türkiye Scholarships introduced 2020 Graduation Yearbook for our international students to evoke all the memories they have experienced ...